

Tiberio A. Ezquerra
Profesor de Investigación

Room 402, Serrano 121
+34915616800 ext 442428

Tiberio's email

Mari Cruz García Gutierrez
Investigador Científico

Room 407, Serrano 121
+34915616800 ext 442431

Mari Cruz's email

Aurora Nogales
Investigador científico

Serrano 121, Room 405
+34915616800 ext 442430
Aurora's email


Gonzalo Santoro
Científico Titular

Serrano 121, Room 217
+34915616800 ext 442502

Gonzalo's email

Oscar Toledano
Margarita Salas Postdoctoral Fellow

Room 406, Serrano 121
+34915616800 ext 442436

Oscar's email

Iván Horcajo
Garantía Juvenil

Room 404, Serrano 121
+34915616800 ext 962404

Ivan's email

Patricia Martínez
Garantía Juvenil CAM

Room 404, Serrano 121
+34915616800 ext 442437

Patricia's email

Jose Sena
FPI Predoctoral Student

Room 404, Serrano 404
+34915616800 ext 442435

Jose's email

Former members

Jose Carlos

Jose Carlos Canalda
Titulado Superior


Alejandro Sanz
SAXS specialist

Currently at UNED

Clara García

Garantía Juvenil CAM

Currently at FPI Predoctoral Student at ICMM-CSIC

Edgar Gutiérrez Fernández
Former Predoctoral Student.

Postdoct at ESRF (France)

Álvaro Ródriguez Ródriguez
Former FPI Predoctoral Student

Postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague

Jing Cui
Former Predoctoral Student

Now postdoctoral fellow at Key Lab of Surface & Interface Science of Henan, China

Jaime J. Hernández
Former FPI Predoctoral Student.

Now researcher at IMDEA Nanoscience, Madrid, Spain

Margarita Hernández
Former Predoctoral Student

Esperanza Cagiao
(Retired) Científico Titular

Ignacio Martín Fabiani
Former FPI Predoctoral student

Now UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at Loughborough University, UK

Michela Soccio
Former JAE Doc fellow

Currently Associate Researcher at University of Bologna, Italy

Daniel R. Rueda
(Retired) Investigador científico


Daniel Martinez Tong
Former predoctoral Student JAE-Pre

Currently at SDG Group, Barcelona, Spain.