Scientific Theater Group of the IEM.

teatrIEM Webpage.

Teaser of the first show "Todo X la Ciencia"(Museo de Ciencias Naturales, November,2013).




Performance at the "Residencia de Estudiantes"(28th February 2015, Madrid).






The Soft Matter Blues Band.

The Soft Matter Blues Band & Friends (Sala Barco, Malasańa, Madrid, Marzo 2017).

The Soft Matter Blues Band & Friends(Sala Barco, Malasańa, Madrid, Marzo 2019).

The Soft Matter Blues Band & Friends in Confinement (May 2020).

"Theatrical Music" First digital CD (October 2021).

New single/video (Walz for Soft Robots: The encounter)(January 2023).

Playing on Fuencarral Street(Madrid, May 2024).




[The Softsophonist (C), Ink&Watercolor on notebook paper by Amanda Ezquerra].






Marcelo Peralta (1961-2020)




[Marcelo Peralta, Casa America, October 2017, Madrid (Spain)Photo:M.Sanchez-Cuesta]

Jazz hero, brilliant musician, dedicated teacher and great person.

Humble tribute by The Soft Matter Blues Band & Friends .





Pedro Iturralde




[Pedro Iturralde, Bogui Jazz Club, Madrid, Spain (13/07/2018) Photo:M.Sanchez-Cuesta]








[With spanish jazz legend Pedro Iturralde after the show, Bogui Jaz, Madrid (13/07/2018), . Photo:M.Sanchez-Cuesta].






Charles Lloyd




[Charles Lloyd , Botanic Garden, July 2018, Madrid. Photo:M.Sanchez-Cuesta].









[With jazz hero Charles Lloyd after the show, Botanic Garden, July 2018, Madrid. Photo:M.Sanchez-Cuesta].





Woody Allen    in concert (Palacio de las Naciones, 26 de diciembre de 2004)M.




Photo:M. Sánchez-Cuesta.





John Mayall in concert (La Riviera, 27th March 2004, Madrid)




Photo:M. Sánchez-Cuesta




With John Mayall before the concert (27th March 2004, Madrid)


Photo:M. Sánchez-Cuesta






 Marcel Marceau in performance (Nuevo Teatro Alcalá, 12 de Junio 2003)




Photo:M. Sánchez-Cuesta





 ( right to left) Dr. Igors Sics, Dr. Aurora Nogales, Prof. Dr. Francisco José Baltá-Calleja, Dr. Tomas González-Lezama, and Dr. me (Sightseeing in NY before starting a tough measuring time in the synchrotron (NSLS, at BNL )(May, 2000)

Photo:S. Baltá










From left to right: Igors Sics, Viktor Kramarenko, Aurora Nogales, T.A. Ezquerra.